Unable to Add Emojis in Quill RTE? 😕 Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered!
Image by Kahakuokahale - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to Add Emojis in Quill RTE? 😕 Don’t Worry, We’ve Got You Covered!

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Why Can’t I Add Emojis in Quill RTE?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand why Quill RTE doesn’t support emojis out-of-the-box. The reason lies in the way Quill handles Unicode characters. By default, Quill uses a limited Unicode range, which excludes emojis and other special characters. This limitation is intentional, as it helps maintain a consistent experience across different platforms and devices.

The Importance of Unicode Range

A brief understanding of Unicode range is crucial to understanding the solution. Unicode is a standard for encoding text characters. It assigns a unique code point to each character, making it possible to represent characters from different languages and scripts. The Unicode range in Quill determines which characters are allowed in the editor.

Enabling Emoji Support in Quill RTE

Now that we know the reason behind the issue, let’s get started with the solutions! 🎉

  1. Method 1: Enable Emoji Support via Quill Configuration
  2. Quill provides an option to enable emoji support through its configuration. You can do this by setting the formats property to include the emoji format.

    const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
      formats: ['emoji'],
      // ... other configurations ...

    This method is straightforward, but it has some limitations. It only works for a limited set of emojis and might not cover all the emojis you want to use.

  3. Method 2: Use a Third-Party Emoji Library
  4. A more comprehensive approach is to use a third-party emoji library, such as Emoji-Mart or Emoji-Toolkit. These libraries provide a wide range of emojis and can be easily integrated into Quill.

    import Emoji from 'emoji-mart';
    const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
      // ... other configurations ...
      key: 'E',
      shift: true,
      handler: () => {
        const emojiPopup = Emoji.getPopup({
          onClick: (emoji) => {
            quill.insertText(quill.getSelection(), emoji.native);

    This method provides more flexibility and control over the emoji selection. You can customize the emoji library to suit your needs and integrate it seamlessly into Quill.

  5. Method 3: Override Quill’s Unicode Range
  6. If you want to enable emoji support without using a third-party library, you can override Quill’s Unicode range. This method requires some advanced knowledge of Unicode and Quill’s internal workings.

    Quill.imports['formats/emoji'] = {
      whitespace: true,
      // Override the Unicode range to include emojis
      // You can adjust this range to include more or fewer characters
      unicode: {
        from: 0x0000,
        to: 0x10FFFF,

    This method provides complete control over the Unicode range, allowing you to customize it to your specific requirements.

Method Description Pros Cons
Method 1 Enable emoji support via Quill configuration Easy to implement, minimal code required Limited emoji support, may not cover all required emojis
Method 2 Use a third-party emoji library Comprehensive emoji support, customizable Requires additional library integration, more complex implementation
Method 3 Override Quill’s Unicode range Complete control over Unicode range, customizable Requires advanced knowledge of Unicode and Quill, complex implementation

Best Practices for Using Emojis in Quill RTE

Now that you’ve enabled emoji support in Quill RTE, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use Consistent Emoji Formats
  • Choose a consistent emoji format throughout your application. This ensures that emojis are displayed correctly across different platforms and devices.

  • Optimize Emoji Images
  • Optimize emoji images to reduce their file size and improve loading times. This is especially important if you’re using a large number of emojis.

  • Test Emoji Compatibility
  • Test emoji compatibility across different browsers, devices, and platforms to ensure that they are displayed correctly.

  • Provide Emoji Accessibility
  • Provide emoji accessibility features, such as alt text or descriptions, to ensure that emojis are accessible to users with disabilities.


Adding emojis to Quill RTE can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a breeze. By enabling emoji support via Quill configuration, using a third-party emoji library, or overriding Quill’s Unicode range, you can unlock the full potential of emojis in your Quill-based editor. Remember to follow best practices for using emojis, such as consistent formatting, optimization, testing, and accessibility.

So, what are you waiting for? Add some emoji power to your Quill RTE and take your content creation to the next level! 💪

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Unable to add emojis in quill RTE”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble adding emojis to your Quill Rich Text Editor (RTE)? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why can’t I add emojis to my Quill RTE?

This might be due to the formatting option not being enabled in your Quill RTE settings. Make sure to check your settings and enable the “formats” option to allow for emoji insertion.

How do I enable emoji insertion in Quill RTE?

To enable emoji insertion, you need to pass the “formats” option to the Quill editor. You can do this by adding the following code: `quill.enableFormats([’emoji’])`. This will allow users to insert emojis into the editor.

What if I want to restrict certain emojis from being inserted?

You can restrict certain emojis by using the `emojiWhitelist` option in your Quill RTE settings. For example, you can set `emojiWhitelist: [‘😊’, ‘👍’]` to only allow the smiling face and thumbs up emojis to be inserted.

Can I use custom emojis in my Quill RTE?

Yes, you can use custom emojis in your Quill RTE! You can add custom emojis by creating a custom emoji sheet and adding it to your Quill RTE settings. This will allow users to insert custom emojis into the editor.

How do I troubleshoot emoji insertion issues in Quill RTE?

If you’re having trouble with emoji insertion, try checking the Quill RTE console logs for errors. You can also check your settings to ensure that the “formats” option is enabled and that the emoji whitelist is not restricting the emojis you want to insert.

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