The Mysterious Case of the Pterodactyl: PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)
Image by Kahakuokahale -

The Mysterious Case of the Pterodactyl: PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)

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Are you a Panel administrator struggling to troubleshoot the elusive error message “PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)”? Do you feel like a Pterodactyl, soaring through the digital skies, only to be grounded by this frustrating issue? Fear not, dear reader, for we have got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the depths of this error, exploring its causes, symptoms, and, most importantly, solutions.

What is cURL error 28?

cURL error 28 is a common issue that occurs when the cURL library, used by PANEL to communicate with WINGS, times out while waiting for a response. This timeout can be due to various reasons, including network connectivity problems, firewall restrictions, or even server-side issues. The error message may vary, but the essence remains the same: PANEL is unable to establish a connection with WINGS.

Causes of cURL error 28

  • Network Connectivity Issues: Firewalls, proxies, or antivirus software might be blocking the connection between PANEL and WINGS.
  • Server-Side Problems: WINGS server might be down, overloaded, or experiencing technical difficulties.
  • Timeout Settings: The default timeout value in PANEL might be too low, causing the connection to time out prematurely.
  • Firewall Rules: Restrictive firewall rules might be blocking the outgoing connection from PANEL to WINGS.
  • cURL Library Issues: Corrupted or outdated cURL library files can cause communication errors.

Symptoms of cURL error 28

When PANEL can’t reach WINGS due to cURL error 28, you may encounter the following symptoms:

  1. The PANEL dashboard displays an error message indicating that it cannot connect to WINGS.
  2. Requests to WINGS are timing out or failing altogether.
  3. PANEL features, such as automated backups or software updates, are not functioning properly.

Troubleshooting cURL error 28

To resolve the issue, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Check Network Connectivity

Verify that your network connection is stable and working correctly:

If the ping command fails, check your network settings and ensure that there are no issues with your internet connection.

Step 2: Check WINGS Server Status

Visit the WINGS server status page to check if there are any reported issues or maintenance notifications:

If the server is down or experiencing technical difficulties, wait for the issue to be resolved or contact WINGS support.

Step 3: Adjust Timeout Settings

Increase the timeout value in PANEL to ensure that the connection has sufficient time to establish:

panel_cfg_set('wings_timeout', 300);

This sets the timeout value to 5 minutes (300 seconds). Adjust this value according to your specific needs.

Step 4: Check Firewall Rules

Verify that your firewall rules are not blocking the outgoing connection from PANEL to WINGS:

Protocol Port
TCP 443
TCP 80

Ensure that the necessary ports are open and allowed in your firewall rules.

Step 5: Update cURL Library

Update the cURL library to the latest version to ensure that you have the latest security patches and features:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl

This updates the cURL library on Ubuntu-based systems. The command may vary depending on your operating system.


Troubleshooting cURL error 28 requires a methodical approach to identify and resolve the underlying cause. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and get PANEL communicating with WINGS again. Remember to stay vigilant and monitor your system for any recurring issues. With patience and persistence, you’ll be soaring through the digital skies like a Pterodactyl in no time!

Additional Resources

For further assistance, refer to the following resources:

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you resolve the “PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)” issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re tired of seeing the frustrating “Pterodactyl – PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)” error, you’re in the right place! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

What does the “Pterodactyl – PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)” error mean?

This error occurs when the Pterodactyl panel is unable to connect to the Wings service, which is usually due to a timeout issue or a misconfiguration. It’s like trying to fly a plane with broken wings – it just won’t take off!

Is the “cURL error 28” related to my internet connection?

Yes, the cURL error 28 is often related to a timeout issue, which can be caused by a slow or unstable internet connection. Think of it like trying to load a web page on a snail-paced internet connection – it’s not gonna happen!

How do I fix the “Pterodactyl – PANEL can’t reach WINGS (cURL error 28)” error?

To fix this error, try restarting the Pterodactyl panel and Wings service, or check your internet connection to ensure it’s stable and fast. You can also try increasing the timeout value in the Pterodactyl config file. It’s like rebooting your system to get things flying again!

Is this error specific to Pterodactyl or can it occur with other control panels?

While this error is specific to Pterodactyl, similar timeout issues can occur with other control panels that rely on Wings or similar services. It’s like a common language that all control panels speak – errors can happen anywhere!

What if I’ve tried everything and the error persists?

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and the error still persists, it’s time to seek help from the Pterodactyl community or a system administrator. They can help you dig deeper into the issue and get your panel flying again!