The Mysterious Case of URL Hiding: Is There a Way to Conceal a Part of a URL from the Address Bar?
Image by Kahakuokahale -

The Mysterious Case of URL Hiding: Is There a Way to Conceal a Part of a URL from the Address Bar?

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Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to keep a part of a URL hidden from prying eyes while still having access to it in your PHP script via the $_GET superglobal? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of URL manipulation and explore the possibilities of concealing a part of a URL from the address bar.

The Reason Behind the Question

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a step back and understand why someone would want to hide a part of a URL. There are several scenarios where this could be useful:

  • Security concerns: You might want to protect sensitive information, such as API keys or authentication tokens, from being exposed in the URL.
  • URL aesthetics: Let’s face it – sometimes URLs can get pretty ugly. Hiding certain parameters can make the URL more visually appealing.
  • SEO optimization: By removing certain parameters, you can improve the readability and crawlability of your website for search engines.

The Short Answer: Yes, But…

Unfortunately, there isn’t a straightforward way to hide a part of a URL from the address bar while still having access to it in PHP via $_GET. However, there are some creative workarounds we can explore.

Method 1: URL Rewriting

One approach is to use URL rewriting techniques, such as Apache’s mod_rewrite or Nginx’s rewrite module. This allows you to manipulate the URL on the server-side, effectively hiding certain parameters from the address bar.

# Apache mod_rewrite example
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)api_key=[^&]+(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1?%1%2 [L]

In this example, we’re using a regular expression to match the `api_key` parameter and rewriting the URL to exclude it from the query string. Note that this method requires server-side configuration and might not be feasible in all environments.

Method 2: Encoded URLs

Another approach is to encode the URL using a technique called “URL encoding” or “percent encoding”. This involves converting sensitive information into a encoded string that’s difficult to read.

$url = '' . urlencode('MY_SECRET_API_KEY');

In this example, we’re using PHP’s `urlencode()` function to encode the `api_key` parameter. When decoded, the URL would still contain the original information, but it would be obfuscated from the address bar.

Method 3: Token-Based System

A more sophisticated approach is to implement a token-based system, where sensitive information is replaced with a unique token that’s stored on the server-side.

Here’s a simplified example:

// Generate a unique token on the server-side
$token = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));

// Store the token along with the sensitive information
$tokens[$token] = 'MY_SECRET_API_KEY';

// Redirect to the URL with the token
header('Location:' . $token);

// On the next request, retrieve the token and use the stored information
if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
  $token = $_GET['token'];
  if (isset($tokens[$token])) {
    $api_key = $tokens[$token];
    // Use the API key

In this example, we’re generating a unique token and storing it along with the sensitive information. We then redirect to the URL with the token, and on the next request, we retrieve the token and use the stored information. This method requires more infrastructure, but it provides a more secure and scalable solution.

Method 4: JavaScript URL Manipulation

A client-side approach is to use JavaScript to manipulate the URL, effectively hiding certain parameters from the address bar.

// Get the current URL
const url = new URL(window.location.href);

// Remove the api_key parameter

// Update the URL in the address bar
window.history.replaceState(null, null, url.href);

In this example, we’re using the `URL` API and `searchParams` to remove the `api_key` parameter from the URL. Note that this method has limitations, as it can be easily circumvented by users and may not work across all browsers.


While there isn’t a single, straightforward way to hide a part of a URL from the address bar, we’ve explored several creative workarounds that can help achieve this goal. Each method has its pros and cons, and the best approach will depend on your specific use case and requirements.

Remember, security should always be a top priority when dealing with sensitive information. If you’re handling sensitive data, consider implementing additional security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to protect your users and your application.


Q: Is it possible to completely hide a URL parameter from the address bar?

Q: Can I use JavaScript to hide a URL parameter from the address bar?

A: Yes, you can use JavaScript to manipulate the URL, but this method has limitations and can be easily circumvented by users.

Q: Is URL rewriting a secure way to hide URL parameters?

A: Yes, URL rewriting can be a secure way to hide URL parameters, but it requires server-side configuration and may not be feasible in all environments.

Method Pros Cons
URL Rewriting Server-side configuration, secure Requires server-side configuration, might not be feasible in all environments
Encoded URLs Easy to implement, obfuscates sensitive information Can be decoded, not suitable for high-security applications
Token-Based System Secure, scalable, and flexible Requires infrastructure and storage, more complex to implement
JavaScript URL Manipulation Client-side implementation, easy to use Can be easily circumvented, not suitable for high-security applications

Remember, security should always be a top priority when dealing with sensitive information. Choose the method that best fits your use case and requirements, and consider implementing additional security measures to protect your users and your application.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of URL manipulation!

Can I hide a part of a URL from the address bar while keeping it in $_GET?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to hide a part of a URL from the address bar while keeping it in $_GET, as the URL in the address bar and the data in $_GET are directly related. Any changes to the URL will reflect in $_GET and vice versa.

Is there a workaround to achieve a similar result?

One possible workaround is to use sessions or cookies to store the sensitive data instead of passing it through the URL. This way, the data will not be visible in the address bar, but still available on the server-side.

What about using JavaScript to manipulate the URL?

JavaScript can be used to modify the URL, but it won’t help in this case. Any changes made to the URL using JavaScript will still be visible in the address bar, and the data will still be accessible in $_GET.

Can I use URL rewriting to hide the sensitive data?

URL rewriting can be used to modify the URL, but it won’t help in hiding sensitive data. The rewritten URL will still be visible in the address bar, and the data will still be accessible in $_GET.

What’s the best practice to handle sensitive data in a URL?

The best practice is to avoid putting sensitive data in the URL altogether. Instead, use secure methods such as HTTPS, authentication, and authorization to protect sensitive data. If you must pass sensitive data, use a secure token or encryption to protect it.