Mastering the Art of Calling Async Functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover in SwiftUI
Image by Kahakuokahale -

Mastering the Art of Calling Async Functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover in SwiftUI

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Are you tired of struggling to call async functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover in SwiftUI? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of closure-based callbacks and delegate patterns? Fear not, dear developer! This comprehensive guide is here to help you navigate the complexities of asynchronous programming in SwiftUI.

Why Async Functions Matter in SwiftUI

In the world of SwiftUI, async functions are essential for creating responsive and efficient user interfaces. By running tasks in the background, you can keep your UI thread free from blocking operations, ensuring a seamless user experience. However, calling async functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover can be a daunting task, especially for newer developers.

The Problem with .sheet and .fullScreenCover

The main issue with calling async functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover lies in their architecture. Both .sheet and .fullScreenCover are presentation modifiers that create a new view hierarchy, which can make it challenging to pass data and callbacks between the presenting view and the presented view.

presentedView and presentationMode are not designed to handle async functions directly. You need to use creative workarounds to pass data and callbacks between the views.

Solutions for Calling Async Functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some solutions to help you call async functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover:

Solution 1: Using a Shared ViewModel

// SharedViewModel.swift
import Combine

class SharedViewModel {
    @Published var result: String = ""

    func asyncFunction() async {
        // Simulate async operation
        await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000)
        result = "Async function completed!"

// PresentingView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct PresentingView: View {
    @StateObject var viewModel = SharedViewModel()
    @State private var isShowingSheet = false

    var body: some View {
        Button("Show Sheet") {
        .sheet(isPresented: $isShowingSheet) {
            PresentedView(viewModel: viewModel)

// PresentedView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct PresentedView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: SharedViewModel

    var body: some View {
        Button("Call Async Function") {
            Task {
                await viewModel.asyncFunction()

Solution 2: Using a Closure-based Callback

// PresentingView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct PresentingView: View {
    @State private var isShowingSheet = false
    @State private var asyncResult: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        Button("Show Sheet") {
        .sheet(isPresented: $isShowingSheet) {
            PresentedView(onAsyncComplete: { result in
                asyncResult = result

// PresentedView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct PresentedView: View {
    var onAsyncComplete: (String) -> Void

    var body: some View {
        Button("Call Async Function") {
            Task {
                await asyncFunction()
                onAsyncComplete("Async function completed!")

    func asyncFunction() async {
        // Simulate async operation
        await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000)

Solution 3: Using a Delegate Pattern

// AsyncFunctionDelegate.swift
import SwiftUI

protocol AsyncFunctionDelegate: AnyObject {
    func asyncFunctionCompleted(_ result: String)

// PresentingView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct PresentingView: View {
    @State private var isShowingSheet = false
    @State private var asyncResult: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        Button("Show Sheet") {
        .sheet(isPresented: $isShowingSheet) {
            PresentedView(delegate: self)

extension PresentingView: AsyncFunctionDelegate {
    func asyncFunctionCompleted(_ result: String) {
        asyncResult = result

// PresentedView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct PresentedView: View {
    weak var delegate: AsyncFunctionDelegate?

    var body: some View {
        Button("Call Async Function") {
            Task {
                await asyncFunction()
                delegate?.asyncFunctionCompleted("Async function completed!")

    func asyncFunction() async {
        // Simulate async operation
        await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000)

Best Practices for Calling Async Functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover

  • Keep async functions short and sweet. Avoid blocking the UI thread with long-running operations.

  • Use Task.sleep or other delay mechanisms to simulate async operations in your development environment.

  • Handle errors and exceptions properly to prevent crashes and unexpected behavior.

  • Use a shared ViewModel or a delegate pattern to manage async function calls and data sharing between views.

  • Avoid using DispatchQueue.main.async to update the UI from an async function. Instead, use @Published or @State variables to trigger UI updates.


Solution Pros Cons
Shared ViewModel
  • Easy to manage complex data flows
  • Scalable and flexible
  • Requires additional setup and boilerplate code
Closure-based Callback
  • Simplified data sharing between views
  • Easy to implement
  • Limited scalability
  • Not suitable for complex data flows
Delegate Pattern
  • Clear separation of concerns between views
  • Easy to implement
  • Verbose and boilerplate-heavy

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of async functions in SwiftUI! We’ve got the most frequently asked questions about calling async functions in .sheet or .fullScreenCover, and the answers you’ve been searching for.

Q1: How can I call an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover without blocking the UI?

You can use the `Task` API to call an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover without blocking the UI. Simply wrap your async function in a `Task` and call it from your .sheet or .fullScreenCover. For example: `.sheet { Task { await yourAsyncFunction() } }`.

Q2: Can I use a Combine publisher to call an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover?

Yes, you can use a Combine publisher to call an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover. You can create a publisher that calls your async function and then use the `.sink` method to subscribe to the publisher and handle the result. For example: `.sheet { yourPublisher.sink { result in handleResult(result) } }`.

Q3: How do I handle errors when calling an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover?

You can handle errors when calling an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover by using a `do-catch` block or a `try-catch` block. You can also use the `try` keyword to mark a throwing function and catch the error using a `catch` block. For example: `.sheet { do { try await yourAsyncFunction() } catch { handleError(error) } }`.

Q4: Can I use a CompletionHandler to call an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover?

Yes, you can use a CompletionHandler to call an async function in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover. You can create a CompletionHandler that calls your async function and then uses the completion handler to handle the result. For example: `.sheet { yourAsyncFunction(completion: { result in handleResult(result) }) }`.

Q5: Are there any alternative approaches to calling async functions in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover?

Yes, there are alternative approaches to calling async functions in a .sheet or .fullScreenCover. For example, you can use a separate view model to handle the async function, or use a library like RxSwift to handle the async function. You can also use a Coraline or a PassthroughSubject to handle the async function. The key is to find an approach that works best for your specific use case.