Mikro-orm: Update with Select Statement – The Ultimate Guide
Image by Kahakuokahale - hkhazo.biz.id

Mikro-orm: Update with Select Statement – The Ultimate Guide

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Mikro-orm, a powerful and lightweight Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, offers a wide range of features to interact with databases efficiently. One of the most significant advantages of Mikro-orm is its ability to perform complex database operations with ease. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Mikro-orm and explore how to update data with a select statement, a crucial aspect of database management.

Why Update with Select Statement?

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s understand why updating data with a select statement is essential. In many scenarios, you might need to update a large set of data based on specific conditions. A simple `UPDATE` statement might not be sufficient, especially when dealing with complex logic or multiple tables.

By combining the `UPDATE` and `SELECT` statements, you can update data in a more efficient and flexible way. This approach allows you to:

  • Reduce the number of database queries
  • Improve performance by minimizing the amount of data transferred
  • Apply complex logic and conditions to the update process

Setting Up Mikro-orm

Before we proceed, make sure you have Mikro-orm installed and configured properly. If you’re new to Mikro-orm, follow these steps:

  1. Install Mikro-orm via npm or yarn: `npm install @mikro-orm/core` or `yarn add @mikro-orm/core`
  2. Create a new Mikro-orm project using the CLI: `npx mikro-orm init`
  3. Configure your database connection in the `mikro-orm.config.js` file

Basic Update with Select Statement

Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose we have a `users` table with columns `id`, `name`, and `email`. We want to update the `email` column for all users with a specific `name` using a `SELECT` statement.

// Define the entity
export class User {
  id: number;

  name: string;

  email: string;

// Create a Mikro-orm instance
const orm = await MikroORM.init({
  entities: [User],
  dbName: 'mydb',
  type: 'postgresql',

// Define the repository
const userRepository = orm.em.getRepository(User);

// Update users with name 'John' and set their email to 'john@example.com'
await userRepository.update({ name: 'John' }, {
  email: (qb) => qb.select('email', 'john@example.com'),

In this example, we use the `update` method provided by the `userRepository` to update the `email` column for users with the name ‘John’. The second argument is an object that defines the update values. We use the `qb.select` method to specify the `email` column and set its value to ‘john@example.com’.

Using Subqueries

In many cases, you might need to use subqueries to update data based on more complex conditions. Mikro-orm supports subqueries in the `UPDATE` statement, allowing you to perform advanced operations.

// Update users with name 'John' and set their email to the result of a subquery
await userRepository.update({ name: 'John' }, {
  email: (qb) => qb.select('email', qb.subQuery('SELECT email FROM users WHERE name = \'Jane\'')),

In this example, we use a subquery to select the `email` value from the `users` table where `name` is ‘Jane’. The resulting value is then used to update the `email` column for users with the name ‘John’.

Joining Tables

When dealing with more complex database structures, you might need to join multiple tables to update data. Mikro-orm allows you to join tables using the `join` method.

// Define the entities
export class User {
  id: number;

  name: string;

  email: string;

  @OneToMany(() => Order, (order) => order.user)
  orders: Order[];

export class Order {
  id: number;

  @ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.id)
  user: User;

  total: number;

// Create a Mikro-orm instance and define the repository
const orm = await MikroORM.init({
  entities: [User, Order],
  dbName: 'mydb',
  type: 'postgresql',

const userRepository = orm.em.getRepository(User);

// Update users with at least one order and set their email to 'premium@example.com'
await userRepository.update(
  { orders: { $ne: null } },
    email: (qb) => qb.select('email', 'premium@example.com'),
  { join: { orders: true } },

In this example, we define two entities: `User` and `Order`. We then use the `join` method to join the `orders` table and update the `email` column for users with at least one order.

Debugging and Logging

When working with complex database operations, it’s essential to debug and log queries to ensure they’re executed correctly. Mikro-orm provides a built-in logging mechanism to help you debug issues.

// Enable logging
const orm = await MikroORM.init({
  entities: [User],
  dbName: 'mydb',
  type: 'postgresql',
  debug: console.log,

// Update users with name 'John' and log the query
await userRepository.update({ name: 'John' }, {
  email: (qb) => qb.select('email', 'john@example.com'),

In this example, we enable logging by passing a logging function to the `MikroORM.init` method. This will log the executed query to the console, allowing you to debug and optimize your updates.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of Mikro-orm’s update with select statement feature. We’ve covered basic updates, subqueries, and joining tables, as well as debugging and logging techniques. By mastering these concepts, you’ll be able to perform complex database operations with ease and confidence.

Remember, Mikro-orm is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features to interact with databases. With practice and experience, you’ll unlock its full potential and become a database management expert.

Feature Description
Update with Select Statement Update data using a SELECT statement
Subqueries Use subqueries to update data based on complex conditions
Joining Tables Join multiple tables to update data
Debugging and Logging Log and debug queries to ensure correct execution

Additional Resources

For more information on Mikro-orm and its features, visit the official documentation: https://mikro-orm.io/docs/

If you’re new to Mikro-orm, start with the Getting Started guide to learn the basics.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Mikro-ORM update with select statement!

What is the purpose of using a SELECT statement in an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM?

Using a SELECT statement in an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM allows you to update specific columns in a table based on the results of a subquery. This is particularly useful when you need to update multiple rows with different values, or when you want to update a column based on the values of other columns in the same table.

Can I use a SELECT statement with parameters in an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM?

Yes, you can use a SELECT statement with parameters in an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM. You can pass the parameters as an object to the `update` method, and Mikro-ORM will take care of binding the parameters to the query. This helps prevent SQL injection and makes your code more secure.

How do I specify the columns to update with a SELECT statement in Mikro-ORM?

To specify the columns to update with a SELECT statement in Mikro-ORM, you need to use the `set` method and pass an object with the column names as keys and the SELECT statement as values. For example, `repo.update(entities).set({ name: ‘SELECT name FROM …’, age: ‘SELECT age FROM …’ });`.

Can I use a subquery in the SELECT statement of an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM?

Yes, you can use a subquery in the SELECT statement of an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM. This allows you to update columns based on the results of a complex query. Just make sure to wrap the subquery in parentheses and use an alias for the subquery, if necessary.

Are there any performance implications when using a SELECT statement in an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM?

Yes, using a SELECT statement in an UPDATE query with Mikro-ORM can have performance implications, especially if the subquery is complex or returns a large number of rows. To mitigate this, make sure to optimize the subquery, use indexes, and consider alternative approaches, such as using a JOIN or a separate query to retrieve the necessary data.