How to Modify the Return of the Eigenvalues with Eigen() in a Non-Decreasing Order?
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How to Modify the Return of the Eigenvalues with Eigen() in a Non-Decreasing Order?

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Are you struggling to get the eigenvalues in a non-decreasing order using the Eigen library? Well, you’re not alone! Many developers and data scientists face this issue, and it’s essential to understand how to modify the return of the eigenvalues to suit your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the ways to achieve this and provide a comprehensive guide on how to do it effectively.

What are Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly recap what eigenvalues and eigenvectors are. In linear algebra, eigenvalues and eigenvectors are scalar and vector quantities that satisfy the following equation:

Ax = λx

where A is a square matrix, x is an eigenvector, and λ is an eigenvalue. The eigenvectors are non-zero vectors that, when transformed by the matrix A, result in a scaled version of themselves. The eigenvalues represent how much the eigenvectors are scaled.

The Eigen Library and its Default Behavior

The Eigen library is a high-performance library for linear algebra and matrix operations. It’s widely used in various fields, including computer vision, machine learning, and robotics. When you use the Eigen library’s `eigen()` function to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix, the default behavior is to return the eigenvalues in a descending order. This is because the `eigen()` function is designed to find the largest eigenvalues first, which is often the case in many applications.

However, what if you need the eigenvalues in a non-decreasing order? This is where things get tricky, and you need to modify the return of the eigenvalues to suit your specific requirements.

Modifying the Return of the Eigenvalues

So, how do you modify the return of the eigenvalues with Eigen() to get them in a non-decreasing order? There are a few approaches to achieve this:

Method 1: Using the `eigenvalues()` Function with `std::sort()`

One way to get the eigenvalues in a non-decreasing order is to use the `eigenvalues()` function to compute the eigenvalues and then sort them using the `std::sort()` function from the C++ Standard Template Library.


// Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver eso(A);

// Get the eigenvalues
Eigen::VectorXd eigenvalues = eso.eigenvalues();

// Sort the eigenvalues in a non-decreasing order
std::sort(, + eigenvalues.size());

// Now, eigenvalues contains the sorted eigenvalues

This method is straightforward and easy to implement. However, it has a time complexity of O(n log n), where n is the number of eigenvalues. This can be a performance bottleneck for large matrices.

Method 2: Using the `eigenvalues()` Function with `std::partial_sort()`

Another approach is to use the `std::partial_sort()` function to partially sort the eigenvalues. This method is more efficient than the previous one, especially for large matrices.


// Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver eso(A);

// Get the eigenvalues
Eigen::VectorXd eigenvalues = eso.eigenvalues();

// Partially sort the eigenvalues in a non-decreasing order
std::partial_sort(, + eigenvalues.size()/2, + eigenvalues.size());

// Now, eigenvalues contains the partially sorted eigenvalues

This method has a time complexity of O(n), which is much faster than the previous method. However, it only partially sorts the eigenvalues, which might not be suitable for all applications.

Method 3: Using the `eigenvalues()` Function with `thrust::sort()`

If you’re working with large matrices and need a more efficient solution, you can use the `thrust::sort()` function from the Thrust library.


// Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver eso(A);

// Get the eigenvalues
Eigen::VectorXd eigenvalues = eso.eigenvalues();

// Copy the eigenvalues to a thrust::device_vector
thrust::device_vector device_eigenvalues(, + eigenvalues.size());

// Sort the eigenvalues in a non-decreasing order using thrust::sort()
thrust::sort(device_eigenvalues.begin(), device_eigenvalues.end());

// Copy the sorted eigenvalues back to the host
Eigen::VectorXd sorted_eigenvalues(device_eigenvalues.size());
thrust::copy(device_eigenvalues.begin(), device_eigenvalues.end(),;

// Now, sorted_eigenvalues contains the sorted eigenvalues

This method has a time complexity of O(n log n), but it’s much faster than the previous methods due to the parallelism provided by the Thrust library.

Best Practices and Considerations

When modifying the return of the eigenvalues with Eigen(), it’s essential to keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Always check the documentation for the specific Eigen version you’re using, as the API might change between versions.

  • Make sure to handle the case where the matrix is not symmetric or Hermitian, as the `eigenvalues()` function will throw an exception in such cases.

  • Be aware of the computational complexity and performance implications of the chosen method, especially for large matrices.

  • Consider using a stable sorting algorithm, such as `std::stable_sort()`, to maintain the relative order of equal eigenvalues.

  • If you need to compute the eigenvectors as well, use the `eigenvectors()` function instead of `eigenvalues()` to get the corresponding eigenvectors.


In conclusion, modifying the return of the eigenvalues with Eigen() to get them in a non-decreasing order is a critical task in many applications. By using the methods outlined in this article, you can achieve this goal efficiently and effectively. Remember to keep the best practices and considerations in mind to ensure robust and high-performance code.

Method Time Complexity Description
Method 1: Using `std::sort()` O(n log n) Sorts the eigenvalues using the `std::sort()` function.
Method 2: Using `std::partial_sort()` O(n) Partially sorts the eigenvalues using the `std::partial_sort()` function.
Method 3: Using `thrust::sort()` O(n log n) Sorts the eigenvalues using the `thrust::sort()` function from the Thrust library.

By choosing the right method for your specific use case, you can efficiently modify the return of the eigenvalues with Eigen() and achieve the desired non-decreasing order.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of modifying the return of eigenvalues with eigen() in a non-decreasing order!

What is the default return order of eigenvalues with eigen()?

By default, the eigenvalues returned by the eigen() function are in descending order. This means the largest eigenvalue comes first, followed by the smaller ones.

Why do I need to modify the return order of eigenvalues?

You might need to modify the return order of eigenvalues in certain situations, such as when working with algorithms that require eigenvalues in a specific order or when comparing results with other methods that use a different ordering.

How can I modify the return of eigenvalues with eigen() in a non-decreasing order?

To modify the return of eigenvalues with eigen() in a non-decreasing order, you can use the sort() function in conjunction with eigen(). Specifically, you can sort the eigenvalues in ascending order using the sort() function with the `axis` argument set to `-1`.

What is the code to modify the return of eigenvalues with eigen() in a non-decreasing order?

The code to modify the return of eigenvalues with eigen() in a non-decreasing order is: `eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(matrix); eigenvalues = np.sort(eigenvalues)`. This will return the eigenvalues in ascending order.

Does modifying the return order of eigenvalues affect the eigenvectors?

No, modifying the return order of eigenvalues does not affect the eigenvectors. The eigenvectors remain the same, regardless of the order of the eigenvalues. However, it’s essential to ensure that the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenvectors are correctly paired after sorting.

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